
Be a DONOR: Show that you care…

Vitamin Angels believes everyone deserves a chance at a healthy life. We focus on where we can make the greatest impact on malnutrition, which threatens the health, well-being, and future of mothers and children around the world, every day.

Donations at specified amounts are designated or you may customize your gift. Recurring donations are encourage and you may contribute in honor or in memory.

Employer Matched Gifts: Making a Donation? Check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program. It’s a simple and easy make your contribution go twice as far!

Planned Giving: A bequest is a gift from your estate – a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. You can make a bequest to Vitamin Angels by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to the organization, or by designating Vitamin Angels as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.

Corporate Partnerships: Changing lives starts with the belief that the well-being of mothers and children is the key to a healthier world. Beyond donations of cash, products, or services, our Corporate Partners demonstrate their commitment to our mission in their communications to customers and employees in-person, in-store, and online.

Gift-in-Kind Donations: Vitamin Angels partners with raw material producers, suppliers, manufacturers, bottlers, and labelers to procure product for global distribution. This is an opportunity for your company to produce product that will be distributed directly into the hands of children and mothers who need it most. We are currently seeking the following components or services:

Events: Sponsoring one of our events helps increase industry recognition and exposure for your brand while providing the opportunity to network with influential retail and manufacturing partners.

Service & Media: Donations of professional services and media support are welcome.

Support Vitamin Angels …by simply contributing here:

Contact info

6500 Hollister Ave, Goleta, CA 93117, USA

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Giving Information


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