The Haitian Heritage Museum (HHM) was inspired by the need to link all Haitian people in the Diaspora together. HHM serves as a catalyst for urban revitalization and will inspire community development and participation in Little Haiti.
Merchandise is catalogued within these collections: * History * Cook Books * Children’s Books, and * Hats.
Support Haitian Heritage Museum (HHMM) …by simply purchasing your specialty merchandise here:
Our goal is to provide a cultural Mecca for Little Haiti where individuals outside of our community and within our community boundaries can come to enjoy beautiful Haitian art, historic artifacts, ethnic sounds of Haitian music, view Haitian films and enjoy a collection of Haitian literary works.
Memberships are offered at these levels: * STUDENTS * INDIVIDUAL * FAMILY * ASSOCIATION, and * COMPANY.
Donations may be customized to any amount. Recurrings gifts are encouraged.
Volunteer: Your time and talent will be greatly welcomed.
Support Haitian Heritage Museum (HHM) …by simply joining, giving, and volunteering here: