It’s Simple: We Help People
The mission of Matthew 25: Ministries is to fulfill Matthew 25:34-40 of the New Testament by providing: * nutritional food to the hungry * clean water to the thirsty * clothing to the naked * affordable shelter to the homeless * medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to those in need. Additionally, Matthew 25: Ministries is committed to fulfilling Matthew 25:40 by educating the public on the conditions and needs of the “least of these” and by providing resources for action.
Start supporting Matthew 25: Ministries …by simply getting acquainted here:
Support Matthew 25: Ministries by shopping in the Online Store. Merchandise is catalogued within these collections: Books * Educational * Clothing * Accessories, and * Souvenirs.
Support Matthew 25: Ministries… by simply purchasing your specialty merchandise here:
Matthew 25: Ministries is an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization helping more than 20 million people in need each year. Helping the poorest of the poor and disaster victims locally, regionally, nationally and internationally regardless of race, creed or political persuasion. By rescuing and reusing products from major corporations and manufacturers, Matthew 25: Ministries provides basic necessities, nutritional supplements, educational materials, micro-enterprise supplies and disaster relief across the US and worldwide.
Volunteering: Volunteers play an essential role in the work of Matthew 25: Ministries. The donated goods we receive must be sorted, counted, packaged, and put on pallets ready for shipment to various parts of the world. There is a job for everyone!
Support Matthew 25: Ministries… by simply giving and volunteering here: