
As an ADVOCATE: support the cause…

—We believe in a world created by all of us, for all of us.

The Solutions Project envisions a world that is driven by purpose. One that combines and amplifies radical ideas and hard work from those whose voices typically might go unheard. A world where equity — for women, Black people, Indigenous communities, people of color; everyone — is a priority.

—We believe 100% of people deserve to be healthy and thriving.

Everyone deserves 100% fresh air, safe water, and rich soil. Grassroots leadership brings social good and racial equity to the climate equation. A stable climate nurtures dynamic, vibrant communities. We’re proud to support the climate change rockstars doing the heavy lifting to take us there.

—We believe cultural forces can activate and amplify our work.

The Solutions Project uses our culture platform to connect the leaders, the innovators, and the solutionaries to a greater collective. We leverage celebrity voices to amplify the voices of the rest of us, creating cultural momentum to empower our work.

Start supporting The Solutions Project…by simply getting acquainted here:

Be a DONOR: Show that you care…

Your support drives effective, creative, and equitable climate change solutions:

Since our beginning, we’ve championed 100% renewable energy for 100% of people. First, through connecting science, culture, and business. Then, through focusing on local communities. They’re the ones most impacted by climate change. They’re the ones leading and finding solutions. And they’re the ones who inspire us to do what we do. Our commitment to Black, Indigenous and other communities of color, along with a pledge to elevate women in leadership doesn’t stop with grantee support. We also ensure they have a seat at the table, and the materials to build their own tables — as they are the past, present and future of our movements. We’re boldly shifting our own leadership and culture of collaboration. We’re doing this through our programs, and from the inside out with our staff, board, and philanthropic trustees, reflecting our values and commitments. Donations at specified amounts are designated and you may customize your gifts. Recurring gifts are encouraged. 

Support The Solutions Project …by simply giving here:


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4096 Piedmont Ave, Piedmont, CA 94611, USA

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