
As an ADVOCATESupport the cause…

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. We defend the rights of all software users.

The free software movement is one of the most successful social movements to arise from computing culture, driven by a worldwide community of ethical programmers dedicated to the cause of freedom and sharing. But the ultimate success of the free software movement depends upon teaching our friends, neighbors and work colleagues about the danger of not having software freedom, about the danger of a society losing control over its computing.

As our society grows more dependent on computers, the software we run is of critical importance to securing the future of a free society. Free software is about having control over the technology we use in our homes, schools and businesses, where computers work for our individual and communal benefit, not for proprietary software companies or governments who might seek to restrict and monitor us. The Free Software Foundation exclusively uses free software to perform its work.

The Free Software Foundation is working to secure freedom for computer users by promoting the development and use of free (as in freedom) software and documentation – particularly the GNU operating system – and by campaigning against threats to computer user freedom like Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) and software patents.

Start supporting Free Software Foundation… by simply getting acquainted here:


As a SHOPDiscover unique gifts…

Show your support for the free software movement and FSF by making a purchase in the FSF Shop.  Merchandise is cataloged within these collections: Books & Docs * GNU Gear, and * Stickers.

Support Free Software Foundation… by simply purchasing your specialty merchandise here:


Be a DONOR: Show that you care…


Join the Free Software Foundation! We are pleased to have you join our growing group of supporters, who are helping defend and promote computer users’ rights. Gift memberships are also available.

  • Associate: These members give us the strength to amplify the free software message – each new member exponentially increases our reach and our ability to make change. Membership at specified levels is offered: Monthly Student Associate * Friends Member * Monthly Associate MemberAnnual Student Associate Annual Associate MemberDouble Your Contribution * Go Above & BeyondContributing Member, and * Supporting Member.
  • Patron: These members are organizations that show their support for the community and the mission of the FSF by giving financial help. Many of our Patrons come to the FSF because their user community or employees ask them to recognize our work.


Will you support the free software movement with a donation today? Your support helps the Free Software Foundation remain proudly independent. We use these funds to help us defend the freedoms and rights of all computer users, to nurture the GNU Project, to certify freedom-respecting electronics, and to battle the practice of Digital Restrictions Management. Specified amounts are designated or you may give an amount of your choice.

  • Cash Gifts: You can support us via a cash donation at our office or at any conference or event at which we have a booth or a staff member present or speaking.
  • Online Giving: Using a credit or debit card. Prepaid should work too.
  • PayPal: Using PayPal requires running nonfree JavaScript, which we do not recommend doing. If you have an FSF account, you can donate via PayPal at; otherwise, our address is
  • Giving by Check: You can mail us a donation (the FSF can accept Canadian checks; please ask your bank to add a corresponding US bank on the check so that we don’t get charged fees for depositing it). If it is a directed donation (e.g. for a sponsored project like Replicant), please write that on the memo line of the check.
  • Wire Transfers: By wire transfer in both dollars (and all currencies converted to dollars) and euros.
  • Give Through the United Way: Through share stock donations, and we also encourage supporters to add the FSF to their estate plan.
  • Give via Bitcoin: The FSF‘s Bitcoin address is “1PC9aZC4hNX2rmmrt7uHTfYAS3hRbph4UN”. Note that since we are using a single address for receiving all contributions, we are not providing full anonymity.
  • Give Via Litecoin: The FSF‘s Litecoin address is “LPttYC3GoXNrBqGfLT7tTbNHm8SiUpBwYz”. Note that since we are using a single address for receiving all contributions, we are not providing full anonymity.
  • Combined Federal Campaign: If you are a US federal government employee (civilian, postal, military), you can designate the Free Software Foundation as a beneficiary charity.
  • Matched Gifts: If you don’t do it already, please investigate matching gift opportunities at your employer. The FSF is normally eligible, and it’s a great way to double your donation.
  • Donate your frequent-flyer miles to the FSF
  • Encourage your employer to become an FSF corporate patron
  • Donate Stock
  • Donate Royalty Income with Leanpub
  • Donate Your Car to the FSF
  • Give via eBay Giving Works: You can list your item on eBay and donate the percentage of your eBay auction to support the FSF.
  • Donate Your Credit Card Rewards: If your credit-card company has a rewards program, it will provide you with a way to do this.

Support Free Software Foundation… by simply joining and giving here:

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51 Franklin St, Boston, MA 02110, USA

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